Thursday, August 16, 2012

Yoga + Dog = Upset Poodle

Music: Lana Del Ray "Born to Die"
Eating: Nothing O_O

So it's been awhile.
That's probably because I've been to ashamed to post anything.
I started so strong. Then it fell through.
But we're back on the right path!

I pretty much had a a massive relapse, eating cheesecake and ice-cream for breakfast lunch and dinner one day. Even though there was a bag of frozen tropical fruit sitting in the freezer.
It's dairy, I'm a sucker for dairy.
But there is one thing I enjoy just as much, and that's Asian cuisine. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, you name it I probably like it. Lucky me, they use a lot of vegetables in their cooking!
We have a few Asian markets here in State College, so I took a trip to one and got some daikon radishes, a head of cabbage, a kabocha pumpkin, and some konnyaku (sp?). I managed to avoid buying a bag or two of pre-made dumplings, even though they are so madly delicious. That was some serious will power right there, you have no idea.
So I spent my Monday shopping, followed by commandeering the kitchen and cooking most of this (the kobacha is still sitting in the fridge awaiting it's fate).
Courtesy of, I had a plethora of recipes with which to work with!
The bag of organic carrots I got three-ish weeks ago got peeled and turned into spicy sesame carrot sticks. Which even my fiancee, who doesn't care for carrots, says "They're not bad."
The radishes got boiled within an inch of their lives than paired with a miso sauce. We're taking our time eating those. So if anyone has a good recipe for daikon, feel free to share it.
Half a cabbage and a handful of raisins got stir fried and yummy-fied.
Did you know that konnyaku is good for you? Supposedly it is, but when prepared with a bit of olive oil and garlic it tastes like you're eating chicken fat. Weird, but there it is. Definitly requires something else paired with it to make it constantly edible.
So those have been in my lunch all week. However it doesn't stop me from trying to empty out all the cookies in the house when I get home. The last of the ice-cream went bye-bye last night, so now there's just koala cookies to go.

But other than the, by my terms, insanely healthy lunches I've been eating this week. Something amazing happened today. I spent twenty minutes doing yoga. YOGA! Sorry, it's just I didn't fall asleep half-way through like I've done in the past. Thank youtube for your collection of morning yoga videos. That was pretty cool though, I can just do a search and pick something out for each new day.
Although I must say, doing yoga on the floor when your dog keeps dropping their toy on you or tries to lick your face makes for a very awkward session. The worst was when doing downward dog (where you're on hands and feet and your butt is in the air) Clara, my poodle, decided to lie down half under me. Trying not squish her was a good motivator for me to hold the pose. But she wasn't so thrilled when the pose was done.

So that's where we are now. We're doing good, at the moment. I'm plotting on starting a small garden for next spring. I'm not sure if I can get a jump on it now, it's kinda late to be planting things, isn't it?