Thursday, July 26, 2012

Groceries... Attempt the first

So just to recap, this blog isn't about losing weight.
It's not about how best to get the body of that Victoria Secret model who looks so cute in the pink pjs.
It's about getting a healthy lifestyle. Now if I happen to get a swimsuit model figure along the way, I'm not going to complain.

So I made a grocery list. I don't normally do this, unless company is coming and I have to whip up a culinary masterpiece. Kinda hard to make a masterpiece when all you normally have in the fridge is three bottles of iced tea and something that in a past life might've been a lemon.
But made a list I did, and the fattiest thing on there was cheese, mozzarella if you want the gritty truth. But this was flanked by such healthy things as spinach, carrots, tomatoes, an avocado (I hear they're fatty, but it's all good fat. So for taste sake, we'll be going with it.) A few packs of tortilla wraps, some turkey and fat free ham cold cuts, and shirataki mushrooms filled up the rest of my cart.
With my bundle of nutritious food, we headed for the checkout.
Then I realized yet another thing, I'm just realizing things left and right these days, eating healthy is expensive!
I suppose I should be completely honest. I did take a quick peak in the icecream isle. But I was good! I only walked out with two containers of Ben and Jerry and it was Greek yogurt to boot. That doesn't count as bad, does it?
Sixty-five dollars later I was the proud owner of four bags of groceries.
My usual sixty-five dollar purchases usually have me walking out with double this amount of bags. But I suppose that's the price we pay when we want to stay healthy.

Arriving home, and after the initial bout of dogs jumping on me in joy that I'd returned, I put the groceries away. There is just something immensely satisfying about seeing a fridge stocked with healthy foods.
But trying to find something to snack on becomes much more difficult. Which I guess is a good thing?

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