Music: Britney Spears-Till the World Ends
Eating: S'mores Pop-tarts (last pack in the house, thank goodness)
I could waste your time telling you all about me, but I won't... to much. Let's talk about why this blog is here instead.
Last night I had a dream. I dreamt (lets pretend that's a real word) that I was going out for a run. I was wearing my cute grey and purple yoga pants, white running shoes (which I don't own a pair of), and some sort of athletic tank top (also don't own one of those). It was a lot of fun, and was exhilarating.
Then I woke up.
I remembered that last time I went "running" in the real world, and it wasn't a Nike commercial. But it did have a very profound effect on me, the dream that is. It made me think of how anything that could be termed as exercise has been non-existent in my life, on any regular basis, since high school phys. ed. It also made me sit up and notice that my diet of cookies, pop-tarts (oh how I love thee), Velveeta cheesy skillets (yums), and ramen noodles is not the type of diet that promotes a healthy body.
I work as a pet groomer, and as many of you might not be aware, it's a physically demanding job. Dogs don't just hop into the tubs wagging their tail. You have to get them there. It's stressful, and hard work but I love it. But that doesn't mean my body loves it.
So let's take stock, no real exercise, no healthy food and a stressful job... How am I still alive?
That's what I wondered as I lay in bed this morning as the sun shined right in my eyes.
Something needed to change. As I watched my Standard Poodle Clara bounce around the apartment, I thought: how could I steal some of her energy? But since I'm not a scientist or a wizard from a book, I couldn't come up with anything that would work.
Seeing as how that option wasn't open to me I realized the un-pleasant fact: I'd need to change my diet and have to put some sort of work-out routine into my life, or I wouldn't have much of one.
That is what this blog is about... took a long time to get to the point, yes?
It's a way for me to track the changes. I hope that someday I'll be able to say "Clara and I went for a run, and we both got tired at the same time." At which point I will realize I have reached Wonder Woman fitness level and just need to maintain that. But getting me to go for a run, willingly, is going to take a VERY long time.
So step one? Grocery list!
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